I am thrilled you want to take your Reiki practice deeper. The skills you will learn in this course will be the most powerful of all levels. Usui Reiki II will enhance your flow of Reiki energy and you will become a Certified Reiki Practitioner.
This comprehensive course includes:
- Reiki II Manual
- Review of Reiki I
- Access to our Reiki Facebook Group
- Learn 3 Key Reiki Symbols
- How to perform Distant/ Remote Healing
- Create a Reiki business if you wish
- Receive Attunement
- Practice Reiki
- Certificate of Completion
If you took Reiki I with another teacher, you’re still welcome! Please email me a copy of your certificate from Reiki I.
I am honored and humbled to be your Reiki teacher. My goal is to empower and support you so you are the best Reiki Practitioner you can be!
***Next offering: 2025 dates and location TBD. These trainings are offered based on interest. Email Mel@melbraun.com to be added to the waitlist for this training. Do NOT purchase through the website.***
If you take Reiki I and II in the same weekend, a discount is offered.